Al Finally Reached His Ideal Weight

Awesome thunder storm last night at about 4 a.m. It woke us up. First we just saw an odd flash of light, then another and pretty soon the thunder started following. Less and less time between, until they were almost simultaneous when the storm was right overhead dumping rain on us. The thunder and lightning gradually slowed and moved on. We don't get that many thunder storms in the Bay Area. I enjoy them.

I always weigh myself first thing in the morning - to get the lowest weight possible.  173 lbs.. Low for me. The bike ride yesterday helped. BMI 25.7 just overweight a bit. My father (Al) complained when the doctor told him he needed to lose weight, based on his height and weight. He responded he that he would be at his ideal weight two weeks after he was dead. He was so funny. I don't know how he came up with this stuff.

We watched another great movie from the NYT article: The Traitor. Loved it. Italian movie with subtitles. About the Sicilian Mafia. Based on a true story.

No Bovine run today. They are closed Saturday and Sunday. I don't know for sure, but I suspect they are closed on the weekend to discourage people from visiting Point Reyes.

I weeded a big patch to plant my new Meyers Lemon tree. It took me three hours because I had to take out a bunch of Capeweed. 

Capeweed is a super invasive plant that we are slowly eradicating. We have a large part of the front yard tarped over to kill the stuff. I weeded and then went to town to get some cardboard boxes from the Palace Market to put down for weed control. I felt a bit like an unhoused person pulling cardboard boxes out of their bin. I looked pretty shabby and dirty from three hours of weeding.

I came home, dug a hole and with Beth's expert guidance, planted the tree. Really she planted it and I helped. We put down cardboard around the tree and covered it with straw. Looking forward to lemons some day.

Quick shower to make myself presentable, then off to Amy and Rishi's for a game of bocce ball.

Back home for dinner and off to SF. Going fishing with Earl Johnson tomorrow at 5:45 a.m. Easier to spend the night here. The boat is 10 minutes from home in SF. I'll report back tomorrow.

the bear


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