Learn Two Yiddish Words
Osprey Nest from Yesterday's Walk |
Crap! Its 8 PM and I did nothing today. I hardly left the house (except for my morning pastry at Bovine!). I took zero pictures. I am flying blind here. Making this up as I go along. I'll keep it short because it is just a bunch of BS anyway. I should take a day off but this is only day 3.
Excuses: my feet have been a little gouty for the last few weeks. I was going to go on a bike ride with Meyer today but cancelled to give my feet a rest. Maybe I'll ride tomorrow.
Still doing my daily NYT crossword and Spelling Bee. A healthy addiction, except that I often wake in the middle of the night and do the Bee which comes out at midnight. Fergus Sullivan is my silent partner on these puzzles. We don't solve together but enjoy witty texts, kvetches and lewd commentary.
I spent hours on the phone today. Changing over retirement accounts to Vanguard. Several friends who I trust and respect made this change earlier.
I am kvelling at my business partner's success. Jeff Wolfert took over the practice when I retired. He was worried about going out on this own. I remember that feeling well. I had no worries about him. He is smart and hard working. Jeff called today. He tried a case and got another 100% award. He is killing it!
Meditated with Beth again today. We are trying to do 15 minutes daily. I stopped trying hard to clear my mind while meditating. I just let my mind be at ease. I don't even close my eyes. Piece of cake!
I'll leave it at that.
the bear
Jealous, not yiddish but how I am feeling right now! 8-10 years I'll be there with ya!