My Other Life

Beth and I drove to SF this morning. We got there early to go the farmers market at the Ferry Building. We picked up a few snacks and some peaches and sweet corn. 

Then, we walked up Telegraph Hill to  Coit Tower, where I carefully noted where the boats were fishing (Arch Rock).

Then down the back side to North Beach. Signs of life - restaurants and stores open for business.

I lounged around all day until dinnertime. We got in the car and drove over to Mark and Helen's for dinner in Pacific Heights. I always get excited to have dinner at their house. They are excellent hosts. Good food and great wines. They barbecued salmon kebabs. Good thing I like salmon because this was the third day straight I have have had it barbecued.

After a lovely dinner, wines, chocolates, port, madeira and a lively political discussion, we drove home. Back across the city to our condo.  I realized driving home in the city how different it is. Cars, traffic, people, unhoused people, lights, filth, congestion. In some ways, it is uncomfortable, compared to the country in west marin. We have become accustomed, again, to living in west marin. It shocks the system to be back in the city. I miss my other life. 

the bear


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