Smells of Summer

Pleasant surprises in the garden this morning
Sugar Snap Peas

Sweet Peas

First Tomatoes

I really enjoyed the smells in the garden this morning. I brushed up against a tomato plant. That luscious savory smell. It reminds me that there is nothing like a home grown tomato. I cannot eat tomatoes from the store. Not the same.  The musky smell of sage - indescribable. And, a yellow Graham Thomas rose. A perfect trifecta of smells today.

Aside from some weeding and light gardening, I did hardly anything today. I filleted a salmon from yesterday.

I barbecued the salmon carcass. We ate it for dinner. Beth was suspect of the idea, until she tasted it. Crispy skin. Yummy flakes of meat pulled off the skeleton. Fleshy oily collar. Greg gave me the idea. A new treat. I'll never throw away a salmon carcass again.

the bear


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