Another Whale Show
Just got back to Inverness tonight (Tuesday July 28). I have been on vacation in SF for a few days. I set aside Monday to work on the boat. I installed a new downrigger, organized tackle, cleaned and tried to solve some plumbing problems with Mike's help. It got windy. Some kids had a bad sailing lesson in Clipper Cove.
I met Mark Gaydos for lunch at Wildseed (upscale vegan restaurant on Union Street).
Before lunch, I stopped at the ATM to get $300 cash. It gave me 30 ten dollar bills. I could barely fold my wallet.
I came across this new Cevicheria in SF. I like their logo and their closed sign.
I fished today with Earl and Greg. We took my boat.
We went out a long way. All the way out to the end of the shipping channel/ship entrance to SF Bay. About seven or eight miles - to the end of the channel, an area they call the "Channel Buoys" because there are bouys a mile apart on each side of the channel. There was a fleet of boats out there. It looked promising. My sonar showed lots of bait. We saw lots of birds.
We trolled all the way to the Marin Coast. We got skunked. No salmon. As a consolation, we got another whale show.
Remarkably, I am pretty sure this was just one whale. It was not the biggest whale; but very talented. We followed it for miles. I think it was a juvenile humpback. I feel fortunate to have witnessed this marvel of nature so close up. It takes some of the sting out of the skunk.
the bear
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