There is Gas Left in the Tank

 Wednesday August 19, 2020

Blog day is upon me again. I feel very hopeful after watching President Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention. So powerful. So true. Such an elegant speaker. 

I spent last night and today in SF. I had a dental appointment and then a zoom deposition today. Last night Beth had some of her sisters over for dinner in Inverness.

I went to SF for errands; and to let Beth and her sisters have some family time.

I learned a lot at the deposition today. I had been feeling a bit unfulfilled. I found the deposition inspiring. 

Here is my zoom background for depositions:

I warned everyone at the deposition that I would have to take a break if I had a fish on.

It was just a routine workers compensation deposition of the injured worker. But it was not just a name on paper. It was a real human being, with a real name, a real life and real suffering. 

I like client/applicant depositions. It is an opportunity to bond with the client. Today it was a nurse at Alta Bates. She has been a nurse for 36 years. A mother. A care giver. Someone going through hard times herself on top of covid. Turns out she went to high school with my fishing buddy Earl Johnson. Small world. 

I was able to be an advocate and teacher in a stressful situation - a deposition, where the deponent is questioned under oath. I studied her file hard to be prepared and took special care to educate her, prepare her and make her comfortable. 

She and I laughed together. I miss that human connection. I miss being on stage a bit in those situations. What I realized is that I have a lot left to offer. I still have gas left in my tank. 

Before Covid, I planned to look for some legal work. Nothing full time. Now is the time. I'll let you know how it goes.

the bear


  1. It’s important to identify and pursue all things that bring you joy. Step on the gas!


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